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Jujutsu, also known in the West as Ju-Jitsu or Jiu-Jitsu, is a Japanese martial art and a method of close combat for defeating an armed and armored opponent in which one uses either a short weapon or none. "" can be translated to mean "gentle, soft, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding." "Jutsu" can be translated to mean "art" or "technique" and represents manipulating the opponent's force against themselves rather than confronting it with one's own force

What is

Ju Jitsu as practiced today within the SJJS is a modern, complex, flexible and highly developed martial art, which blends traditional technique and etiquette with the wide ranging demands of today’s student.

Where did it

Ju Jitsu is a Japanese martial art, which is most often referred to as the unarmed fighting system of the Samurai warrior.  Historically, there are many accounts of the origins of Ju Jitsu, the feats of famous practitioners and schools, and the lineage of today’s modern teachers.  Unfortunately we can bring little clarity to these matters, suffice to say that Ju Jitsu is regarded as one of the oldest unarmed and documented fighting system and a recognised precursor to the development of karate do, judo and aikido.

What can Ju-Jitsu
do for YOU?

The application of the techniques of Ju Jitsu requires an array of skills and knowledge, which make it both practical in application and enjoyable to learn.  The student is taught to strike, throw, grapple, escape, stand and fall in a defence-orientated syllabus that develops in a modular way.  Regular examinations or gradings chart the level of attainment of a student.  The student is not required to defeat another student, but is expected to train hard within their own parameters, to surpass their own standards over a period of time and ultimately to demonstrate the techniques required for examination.

The training syllabus, based on two or more people working together in defender/attacker(s) scenarios, provides the learning environment from novice to black belt.

In understanding the origins of the art, skills which enabled the samurai to continue fighting despite losing their weapons, the training syllabus at 2nd Dan Level, requires the introduction of weaponry training and its relationship to unarmed combat.

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